HomeWhite Mango

White Mango

Unlike the typical mango variants we’re accustomed to, the white mango (Mangifera caesia) sports an almost whitish-green skin when fully ripe, thus earning its name as the ‘white mango’. It is oval with a pointed tip, roughly 10-15 cm long and 6-8 cm wide.

The flesh is yellow-white, sweet, and slightly acidic to sour, providing a unique, refreshing taste. The texture of the flesh is smooth and mushy, and the fruit has a single, elongated seed at its core. This is a very odorous fruit and the smell is a complex combination of lovely sweet and sour notes.

white mango (Mangif

The white mango is a fruit native to Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Some experts belive that it originates from the island of Borneo in Maritime South Asia.

This flavourful mango is known under many different names throughout the region, such as binjai (Malay language), bayuno/baluno/belunok (Filipino language), gwani (Subanen language), mangga wani (Cebuano language/Sabah language), wani (Balinese language/Dusun language), and yaa-lam (Thai language)..

Regardless of what we call this fruit, its distinctive characteristics, great taste, and many health benefits have made the white mango a favorite among fruit lovers worldwide. In this article, we will look at the attributes, nutritional benefits, and applications of the white mango.

Kemanga mango

Earlier, the scientific name of this species was Mangifera kemanga. The species name ‘kemanga’ was derived from the Malaysian and Indonesian vernacular term kemang, which simply means mango.

Nutritional Profile and Health Benefits fo the White Mango

Like its mango cousins, the white mango is packed with vitamins and nutrients. It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, contributing significantly to eye health and boosting immunity. It also contains Vitamin C, which aids in wound healing, iron absorption, and collagen production.

The presence of dietary fiber in white mango aids digestion, and potassium helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Moreover, this fruit is loaded with various antioxidants that fight off harmful free radicals. The anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Warning: Skin Irritation

The tree sap of M. caesia can cause skin irritation. The same is true for sap from the unripe fruit.

White Mango Applications

White mango, due to its unique taste, is extensively used in various culinary applications, especially within its native region. It can be consumed raw, turned into jams or jellies, or used in salads and desserts. In several Southeast Asian cuisines, white mango is used as a key ingredient in savory dishes.

If you want to keep it simple, enjoy some raw white mango dipped in chili and dark soy sauce.

The fruit’s unique flavor profile also lends itself well to beverages. It is often used to prepare juices, smoothies, and even cocktails. Moreover, the white mango is dried or pickled for off-season use, ensuring that this delightful fruit can be enjoyed all year round.

In Bali, white mango is utilized for a spice base for chillies sambal, which is then served with river fish. In Brunei, the fruit is included in many cacah (dipping sauces) for ambuyat.

The wood of the white mango tree is utilized for various purposes. It is used in carpentry for furniture and in light construction, owing to its hardwood characteristics. Furthermore, the leaves and bark of the tree are used in traditional medicine in certain Southeast Asian communities. 


The prefered habitat for white mango tree is wet lowlands that are not more than 450 metres above sea level. It does best in marshes and riverside areas, and is unusual in more dense forests. A lot of rainfall is necessary for this mango tree to thrive.

Physical characteristics of the white mango tree

  • The white mango tree grows erect and can become up to 30 metres in height. It is a decidious tree and forms a dense crown. A mature white mango tree will do best if it has plenty of space; ideally 12-16 metres of free space in either direction.
  • Flowers are purple to pink, and less than one centimeter long. Each flower has five sepals.
  • A large tree can produce thosands of fruits.
  • The fruits will normally be ripe roughly three months after the bloom. This means that the fruit matures during a period of heavy rains.


White mango is widely cultivated in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. In western Malaysia, it is one of the most common, and valuable, of the mango species, and large orchards are devoted to growing white mango.

The white mango is propagated from seeds, through marcotting (air layering) and by grafting.


In 1999, the white mango was put on a Malaysian postage stamp, as a part of a series of stamps featuring fruits.


The white mango is a powerhouse of essential vitamins and nutrients and offers numerous health benefits. Its unique taste and versatile culinary applications make it a beloved fruit in many cuisines. In a world full of common mangoes, the white mango stands out with its special flavor.